Welcome to TICE

A gateway to the commercial creative industries.

We offer young people worldwide a taste of the opportunities that exist within our culture today, helping them discover their passions and talents through skills development and work experience-based learning.
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T.I.C.E stands for 'This is Creative Enterprise', a non-profit organisation that since 2008 has been working with businesses, schools, colleges and universities to support young people in discovering careers and job roles within the creative sector.

Why choose TICE?

The world of work has changed dramatically, and today careers are filled with endless opportunities, but not without their challenges. 

TICE gains exclusive access to personal professional stories and develops projects and workshops around realistic career opportunities.
We explain what we mean by skills and explore why they matter in the context of a creative career. We look at how young people can develop their skills and turn the insights they discover into actionable career development. 

Our mission

Uncover today's creative, design and digital career opportunities with TICE in an interactive experience led by industry experts.
Our aim is for young people (14 to 19 yrs) to have gained the insight and the confidence to kick-start career success. Asking them to think deeply and reflect thoughtfully on their current aspirations but designed with a whole load of fun in mind too!
TICE gives young people both the opportunity to think about the world and their place in it, and the time for self-reflection. It's an experience, where young people can gain in confidence and where they can begin to grasp the relationship between their personal responsibility and their career aspirations.
— TICE Founder, Jennifer Barrett

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